Early on in my career, when I was still working on the rooftops, I encountered a consultant who had a very different temperature in the afternoon than he did in the morning.
We all know why that is.

But, I had soaked a rag in cleaner, to clean and prime a repair he was overseeing and had the audacity to set the rag down on the membrane when I was finished cleaning the area. This man came unglued at me, using every mother-cursing word you can imagine. Saying I was ruining HIS roof, and so on and so forth. I’m a fairly calm guy, so i just let it go. But I never forgot.
I would continue to see him for a few decades in the business, and always added an extra fee on top for projects he was working with. We got along fairly well, and he commended me not too long after that project for being an excellent roofer, who knew what he was doing all the time. I wonder if he even remembered the previous incident.
We even ended up doing his home for him when the time came around. ( We definitely charged the extra fee on top of that.)
While I immensely respected his knowledge about roofing, I always loathed his way of going about things. Guess there’s more than one way to skin a cat.
As I reflect on our interactions, I can’t help but realize that the way things go in roofing nowadays, versus the way they went in his time, and vastly different; and yet, shockingly the same.
Only in Roofing