An employee, who had a temper, and had been with me for 8 years, recently had a sit down about a string of bad arguments he had been having on the roof.
It came to a head when another employee walked off the job because he threatened to beat his ass in the parking lot.
Inquiring with this long-term employee, to see what happened, I got the following story.
“The kid was cutting a board wrong and i thought he would hurt himself, so I went over and called him a dumbass and was trying to help him from hurting himself. Then he said it would be fine so I started yelling at him to be safe“
The rest of the crew mostly agreed with this story, except for the parts he left out. Where he said he was gonna beat his ass in the parking lot. Would kill him, and got all in his face like he wanted the kid to hit him.

Sure seems like he was worried about this kid’s safety to me.
He was let go that day.
Only in roofing.