Tax Day
In the earlier parts of the year, I frequently give guys days off for tax preparation, which is no big deal, things are usually a little slower this time of year, and I know they are always anxious for returns.
This year, I had an employee call when his appointment was complete.
I assumed, for a location to go continue work for the day (it was still morning).
Instead, I got something much, much different question arose:
“Why are you guys screwing me over so hard? I work my ass off day in and day out for this company and this is how I am treated?”
Excuse me? What did he mean exactly?

Well as it turned out, the employee was mad because he was getting a smaller return than he had previously. And, because it’s always our fault, it had to be something we did.
Let’s not think about how taxes work or even ask your tax preparer why something might have changed from last year to this year. It’s the man keeping everyone down. It’s our fault, something WE did to this employee.
So I asked him to come in and we could go through everything and maybe, although I’m far from a tax preparer, I could figure out what happened or why the difference. But no, it was our fault and he was too mad to come in.
So picked our controller’s brain, to theorize what it might be, so I could help get through this because the employee was acting like he was going to quit because of this, even though I assured him, it’s nothing we control or affect.
Turns out, he had a child credit the year prior, which was no longer claimed this year, making sweeping changes to his tax liabilities and refunds.
It’s still our fault, of course.
Only in Roofing.