Well, this is awkward.
It was a fine Spring day. We were 4 days into a 10-day project, with no rain in sight. Life was good.
Then I got a phone call.
From the manager at a site, we were working on.
“Uh, yea… Hi, this is Jane Doe from the John Center, uh. I… You have two guys fistfighting on the roof, and we are concerned.”
My heart sank, and my face became flushed. This is never a phone call you want to get, much less from a customer informing you about the issues. Tempers can flare on a roof, and disagreements and shouting and not unheard of. Never had I dealt with something like this.
It was embarrassing, not only did the customer have to deal with this issue, we had a worker hit a car in the parking lot with some of our equipment later that day.
The foreman ended the fight quickly, but it was still seen by the staff. Both roofers were let go that same day.
I was mortified. Ashamed. Disappointed.

Only in Roofing.